There is nothing like the feeling of freedom when driving a motorcycle, but despite how exciting, driving a motorcycle comes with certain responsibilities. Before getting out on the road, check out this article to find advice on how to drive your motorcycle safely so that you can enjoy it for years to come.
Choose Wisely
If this is the first time you are purchasing a motorcycle, it is important that you know about the model and the horsepower. Even though it is tempting to get a big, powerful motorcycle, the best advice is to start with a smaller bike, especially if you just plan to use it around the town. Get on the bike before you buy it to make sure that your feet reach the pedals easily. Find your balance on the bike and make sure you can reach the handles easily as well.
Always Wear Your Helmet
Some bikers are against wearing a helmet under the belief that it limits the sense of freedom that they are looking for. However, if you get into an accident, your helmet could save your life by helping you avoid head injuries. Respect the law and wear a helmet that is approved by the Department of Transportation.
Practice Defensive Driving
Many accidents occur because bikers drive aggressively. Today there are many distractions to drivers, especially phones. Because of this, when you are driving through the city, you need to anticipate the movements of other cars, try to observe whether they are going to change lanes and keep a safe distance. In this way, you prevent possible accidents or dangerous situations before they happen.
Wear Correct Clothing
In the summer, it can be tempting to drive your bike while wearing a t-shirt and flip flops. However, as we explained with respect to wearing a helmet, if there were an accident and you are not dressed correctly, you could get severely hurt. Wear closed-toed shoes and a jacket that protects you in case you fall off your bike. Also, put on sunglasses to avoid flies and mosquitoes from getting in your eyes and to protect your eyes in case of an accident.
Learn Before You Leave
What will the weather be like? Is it going to be sunny or rainy? Is there an accident on your route? Before leaving, lookup information about the weather and the road conditions. If it is raining, do not drive your motorcycle because the road will be slippery, which could be very dangerous for you. If you absolutely have to drive in the rain, remember that the time of the worst road conditions is right after it starts to rain.
We hope these safe driving tips are helpful for you on your next ride. If you don't have insurance for your motorcycle, please contact our partner Dairyland Insurance to get a free quote!