Driving is an enormous privilege that grants us equal parts freedom and responsibility. Whether you are a new or well-seasoned driver, it is up to you to do your part to drive safely. Taking safe driving precautions can help prevent accidents and potentially even save lives. In 2023 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that over 40,990 people died from motor vehicle traffic crashes. Proper knowledge of road safety practices and avoiding distracted driving may lead to fewer accidents. At Infinity Insurance Agency, Inc.(IIA), we are committed to the pursuit of safe driving education and knowledge.
Follow along as we share some safe driver tips!
Safe driving tips
Always wear your seatbelt
Safe driving tips don't always need to be complicated! Our first driving tip may seem obvious but remember not wearing your seatbelt is simply not a safe option. Almost every state in the US requires all adult front-seat occupants to use seat belts. Adult rear-seat passengers must also wear seatbelts in 34 of the 50 states and the District of Columbia according to the NHTSA.
Stay focused on the road
Distracted driving may not seem like a big deal, but even quickly answering one text or eating a snack while driving could have disastrous results. In the average time it takes you to read or send a text (approximately 5 seconds), a car going at 55 mph will have traveled the length of a football field! To prevent potential accidents, it is important to minimize all driving distractions. The NHTSA recommends putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb,” silencing notifications, or putting your phone away in the trunk, so you won’t be tempted to respond.

Follow speed limits
Speed limits are not suggestions! While it may be tempting to speed a little to shave some time off our commute or make up for our late start, driving over the speed limit has consequences. According to the National Safety Council, speeding was a factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities in 2022, killing 12,151, or an average of over 33 people on a typical day. Avoid potential tickets, accidents, and a raised premium by driving at the speed limit and staying aware of posted speed limit changes. Regardless of the speed limit, don’t forget to adjust your driving for specific conditions. For example, driving at night generally means limited visibility, so it is advised to drive slower and more cautiously.
Be aware of how weather and traffic conditions affect safe driving speeds
Inclement weather conditions and fast driving don't mix. Depending on the severity of your weather situation, you may need to decrease your vehicle’s speed. Keep your headlights on when it is raining, or at the first signs of fog. According to the National Weather Service, in situations of extreme fog, the best course of action is to turn on hazard lights and pull your car into a safe location to stop.
Exercise extreme caution when driving in the rain or fog. If the rain is heavy enough that you have extremely limited visibility, the National Weather Service suggests putting on your hazard lights on and pulling over as soon as it is safe to do so. As per the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) when driving on ice, exercise caution, and accelerate and decelerate slowly to potentially prevent your tires from spinning out under you and your car from sliding. Avoid slamming on the brakes, which can cause your car to spin out of control.
Keep a safe following distance
It’s harder to control or stop your vehicle on a slick road. When driving under inclement conditions, the NHSTA recommends that you increase your following distance, so you’ll have time to safely stop for vehicles ahead of you.
Use your mirrors and signals
Mirrors and turn signals are important tools that may help you stay safe on the road. Take time to adjust your rearview mirror to properly see the road behind you. Next, adjust your side mirrors for maximum visibility. The NHTSA suggest adjusting your mirrors according to the Blind zone Glare Elimination Mirror Method. Don’t forget to utilize signals to alert other drivers of your movements and avoid possible accidents.

Avoid driving under the influence
Driving while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is not only illegal but extremely dangerous. NHTSA data shows that every day, about 37 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes – that’s one person every 39 minutes. In 2022, 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths. These deaths were all preventable. Depending on the state, you could face anything from fines to license suspension and even jail time. One drink may seem harmless, but even driving buzzed could be enough to cause a severe or life-threatening accident. In addition, a DUI can even affect your insurance, leading to an almost certain increase in your premium.
Be aware of pedestrians, cyclists, and animals
Deer, kids at play, and bicyclists oh my! The streets are filled with potential distractions and accidents waiting to happen. You should familiarize yourself with the right-of-way rules for both pedestrians and cyclists. Please note that these rules vary from state to state and even sometimes by locality. Nonetheless, it is a good rule of thumb to attempt to make eye contact with pedestrians and confirm that they have seen you. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when backing up and look out for pedestrians in crosswalks.
Regularly maintain your vehicle
Vehicle maintenance can not only extend the life of your automobile but also may help you avoid costly repairs and unfortunate accidents. Take the time to schedule regular vehicle maintenance to check your car’s tire pressure, fluid levels, brakes, headlights, and tail lights. While technological advances such as anti-lock brakes and cruise control may have created safer cars, it is still up to you to keep on top of tasks such as tire rotation and brake pad inspections.
Follow road safety laws
Like pedestrian right-of-way rules, traffic, and road safety laws may differ from state to state and abroad. For example, in the UK they drive on the left side of the road. Wherever you choose to drive, make sure you are operating your vehicle with sufficient insurance, follow all posted traffic laws, and adhere to police directives.
Stay calm and patient
The NHTSA defines aggressive driving as “the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.” When driving in a difficult situation try to remain calm and patient. If you feel road rage building, try listening to soothing music, breathing deeply, and remember that traffic is a normal part of driving. If safe to do so, pull over for a few minutes to regain your composure.
Importance of defensive driving
Ever wondered what defensive driving is or why you should learn it? The National Traffic Safety Institute states that defensive driving is “defending yourself behind the wheel by taking a driving approach that focuses on safety and awareness. “In a world of distractions, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and anticipate potential hazards. Taking a defensive driving course or refresher can help you glean effective tips and practices that can improve your driving and possibly even decrease your insurance premiums.
Some helpful defensive driving techniques may include:
- Checking your mirrors often
- Anticipating what other drivers might do 20-30 seconds ahead of you
- Signaling early and clearly
- Avoiding tailgating and maintaining a safe distance between cars
Most common traffic violations
No one likes receiving a ticket or paying a hefty fine. However, with some great driving techniques and a little focus, many common traffic violations can be avoided. Save yourself the headache and potential points on your license by trying to avoid any of the following common violations (The Zebra)
- Speeding
- Running a stop sign or traffic light
- Driving while under the influence
- Texting and driving
- Not signaling
- Driving without a seatbelt
- Failure to yield
Every driver wishes for an accident-free future. While some accidents are unavoidable, many can be prevented by brushing up on safe driving tips, rules, and regulations. Part of being a safe and conscientious driver is carrying the proper insurance.
Reach out to Infinity Insurance Agency, Inc. today at 1-855-478-3705 to inquire about coverage and receive a free auto insurance quote!
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