Your auto insurance limits your financial vulnerability when operating a motor vehicle. But not all policies are created equal. You need an insurance agent you can rely on to help you determine the level of coverage that meets your needs. Learning to ask your insurance agent the right questions can help you find exactly what you are looking for at a price that fits your budget. So exactly which questions should you ask of your agent?
Do I have enough liability coverage?
Liability insurance coverage is mandated in every U.S. state, though the minimum limits differ in each. Your insurance agent can help you determine if you have the right amount of liability protection. In some cases, minimum coverage may be enough, but in others, additional protection may be necessary.
Am I getting all of the discounts I qualify for?
You may be surprised to know that most drivers can qualify for discounts on policy premiums. Insurance discounts are often available to people who purchase multiple types of insurance policies from the same agency. Discounts may also be available to drivers who have anti-theft monitoring devices installed on their vehicles, as well as those who take driver's safety courses.
What happens to my car in a collision?
Many policyholders erroneously assume that their own vehicles will be replaced or repaired after a collision. However, liability insurance will only pay for damages caused to other driver's vehicles -- not your own. You'll need a policy that includes collision coverage to ensure your own car is protected in an accident.
Am I protected if I am in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist?
There are many drivers on the roadways who do not have liability insurance. Others have insurance, but perhaps not enough to cover all of your bodily injury and property loss expenses. It is important that you know whether your insurance will fill in the gaps where another driver's coverage (or lack thereof) falls short.
If you are in search of auto insurance, contact your local Infinity insurance agent today, or call 1-800-INFINITY.